Was Busy, Am Blocked

Back to deer-in-headlights mode. What I am going to do about the rent? About moving on? Now thinking about grabbing a martini and snack at the AC, but this does not seem healthful. Why haven’t you written anything?

The long-awaited inaugural event with nr finally arrived early Sunday morning. I had no trouble at all getting out there into Central Park and showing up. I set an alarm on an iphone and checked it again every hour. It was like the last few hours before the London Marathon, sans the BBC “UK Theme” playing on the radio as I got ready to get out of bed. Finally roused myself around 2:45 and made coffee, out the door a little before 3 am. Wore the orange NYCM souvenir shirt from 2006 or 2007, zippered black Asics pants, the orange Patagonia jacket (from Freeport ME, 2006, with Chris Yerkes), and a Buf scarf that I probably bought in Dartmouth, Devon in 2006. Carried the old black Turkey Trot shoulder sack from 2007 or whenever it was. I think they’ve got Central Park closed from 1am to 6am, so I had to take the long way around, to Columbus Circle, then up the pavement, mostly walking, a little jogging. I’m definitely stronger than a few weeks ago; that little bit at TMPL every couple of days is showing. I couldn’t even jog at all, not just a few weeks ago, but most of the last few years.

The intense cold did not bother me at all, at least as I made my way there. It was 25ºF, colder than anticipated, though the winds the came up and it felt more like 5º. Meeting place was entrance at West 96th St. I entered the Park at 90th, where we go in for the Mini, then jogged a few blocks. Noticed a group over by CPW, went and joined them. Slightly late, maybe 3:35. Didn’t log into the app till 3:45. We walked down to the start for the HM, trucks came by, we unloaded. I was given an orange vest to wear, no branding. Someone had “Hot Hands” hand-warmer packets that you rub to warm your hands when they’re feeling nearly frostbitten. I don’t think my hands have known this cold since I was a small child waiting for the very-late schoolbus among the snowdrifts.

Half the crowd wandered off to the south to get ready to set up the 5k. One was our leader, CJ. I told her I didn’t know which event I was supposed to be working. Turns out it was the HM, which started at 9, one hour after 5k So, back to the HM start and more hand warmers. Coworkers were middle-aged men and oriental females. Great confusion about setting up the corrals and “delineators,” as they call the orange plastic bollards that mark off the lanes, with blue plastic tape running between them. We needed to have wide left-hand lanes for corrals (maybe 15 ft) then “pedestrian” lane (perhaps 8ft) with an entrance into each corral, with a bicycle lane and emergency vehicle lane to the right, undemarcated. At 4-5am, in the dark, we were there, putting up the orange bollards (they are held down by black hexagonal weights) and continually adjusting them and the blue ribbons between them. The first corral was 6:59/min and under; last corral was 12 min and over.

A surprising number of people came in toward the end to do the 12 min pace. Joggers. By this point the 5k had begun, the sun was up, and we were ever-so-slightly more comfortable. Another woman and I stood at the back of the 12 min corral with our INFO HERE signs. That was fun, and very useful, because we got querents every ten seconds. Where is the 5k start? (This kept up until 20 minutes into the 5k; I told them not to worry, their time would be clocked when they passed over the mat.) Where are the bibs? (Most had them; late registrants could get them in the nr tent on the left.) Where do we get the shirts? Where is baggage check? That would be up by the 102nd Transverse, near the end of both races.

Enjoyed this part of the setup more than any previous event, maybe more than any race where I was actively participating, in which I was always feeling sick as a dog for two hours before.

We were discharged after letting the tents down and stacking the delineators, etc., around 11 am. We could get extra hours by checking with the people at the baggage check/refreshments area. So I wandered over there, changed my mind, retied my shoes and removed my orange vest. At CPW walked down from 100th to 96th, took the C train down to 59th. Finally at noon I logged out. If there are any questions about the extra time, I’ll say I’m still an hour short, and I logged in 15 minutes late.

I slept well for a few hours in the afternoon, but when I woke I found the bitter cold had played havoc with my nose. A sinus infection or irritation on the left side. I’ve taken a lot of off-brand nyquil and pseudo in the past two days. Better now.

Finally I sold some shoes on eBay: the yellow Kenns, which I thought were the greatest prize of all, but only for the minimum, 39.99, plus tax and shipping. Meh. Clearly the market isn’t what it was 15-20 years ago. I now have an assortment of other Kenns, Milers, Jasari+, Zoom W, mint Mayflys up there. The Mayflys are worth $100, but maybe only to collectors. Yesterday, Monday, I bundled up the Nike box in brown paper (inverted Whole Foods bag), taped it up, took it down to the Rock Ctr PO. Then walked from there to WF because I suddenly wanted to make some bolognese again. This time, linguini, with no crushed tomatoes. A little bit of tomato paste. An 8.99+ Yellow Tail cabernet from the place on 9th Ave. Drank it all last night and through the wee hours when I awoke. The linguini was okay, somehow not as rich and tasty as the the spaghetti I made two weeks ago. I think the difference is that I used a whole pound of linguini this time, and I only had a little thin and regular spaghetti with the last batch: much more sauce in proportion.

Woke up every few hours, watched parts of the first two “pilot” episodes of Columbo, late 60s-early 70s. Not very good. Stiff, artificial. Too many Jewish actors. Besides Falk you’ve got Gene Barry and Lee Grant, living in an artificially wealthy L.A. atmosphere where people get their dry-cleaning picked up by Rodeo Cleaners. Falk was neat and suited in the first one. Graduated to tatty trenchcoat in the second.

Yesterday brought me two cards I will seldom if ever use. My latest AARP, and my new USATF. I put them both away in the black Tusk bag (from Nordstrom’s UTC, circa 1996) where all the extra and old cards go. Only purpose I can see right now for the USATF is getting certified again as coach, as I did in 2012, and as I nearly did in 2016, when I was in better shape than any other time since 2012.

Hours (s) on chat line to Verizon yesterday, looking for a credit for the days my service was down at the beginning of the month. Grudgingly they offered $18, on the basis of my having a $220 monthly bill. Yikes. I got them to go up to $30. Still have to pay that $220 because the credit has not hit. Maybe pay off Amazon Chase card, then pay Verizon with that.

I have decided I owe myself a lunch martini at the AC. Using my Z card for the first time. Thither I shall go, in a white-collard grey PINK shirt, black trews, black boots, Agnes B. jacket with hole in the sleeve. I shall bring the Birchers book with me, and notebook, and make notes as the first sips hit me.

I got up a few moments ago and went to the kitchen for something urgent…then forgot what the hell it was. Since I was out there, I filled the dishwasher. It seems the dishwasher always needs filling or emptying, though in the time since Moki took to his bed permanently (June would that be?) I’ve run only about two washes a week. Electric bill, unpaid, now at 788. I should pay something on that.

DCM, a debt collector in…Phoenix?…sent a couple of notices about his 11k debt on an American Express card through USAA. I sent them back, saying, there is no estate to collect against.

I must look into probate and see if there is any point in filing Moki’s will. If he had finished the 2014-15 will, I’d have something solid, but the 1994 one is meaningless.

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp seems dead and gone; can’t update on the iPad Mini because I can’t get to the App Store. Nintendo doesn’t recognize my acct no. or my email address. This is a time waster I certainly could do without. One of those legacies of that disaster year, 2017. NYS tax bill, Enoch doxed, Mr Trump given hell, Moki exploding at me for no good reason at Johnny’s wake, yelling at me the next morning (both hungover from vodka), the Elizabeth Gray incident on Christmas…

I suspect I am a local heroine at the AC, and that’s one reason why they were so eager to give me a rare Z card. I have yet to receive a bill, but it’s going to be over $100 when it arrives.

No further word yet on the judgment. I must attempt the vacate in the next day or two. Things hanging over my head.

It was just four weeks ago I finally got the $2210 check from Jamie/AT.

I’m getting dressed and going to the Club.