I lost my Craft running gloves about a month ago and had no idea what became of them. I had just dropped one on the street while coming back from Morton Williams, but a good samaritan shouted after me. So I could be pretty sure I hadn’t lost them outside. But where were they?
They were under the bed, under the headboard. I found them last night. How remarkable. If I go out again this evening, for v or food, I’ll wear them. It is 36º F. (Tuesday night, and I haven’t had a drink since Saturday. Perhaps I’ll yield to temptation and go no booze. I have felt woozy from Trazodone for the past two days: only half a pill each time.)
The other lost things were the Tom Tierney paper doll books.They were under a stack of magazines and my typescripts and legal papers, on one of the black-leather storage units Moki brought in as a substitute for the long-gone glass coffeetable.
The Verizon man, a tall young negro, arrived toward 3 today after being scheduled for 12-to-2. I now have local cable TV (not much else!!!), internet, a router and an extender (closet and rubberwood table), and two landlines (Moki’s and mine; 6301 is now gone). I had intended to shift Moki’s 3642 over to a mobile phone, and maybe moved his SIM back to my black Nokia. That way I’d have only one landline. But now I’ve plugged the old 6301 AT&T phone into the 3642 RJ11 jack by the bed, the 0209 is again working, so I have access to both, in the bedroom and in the living room.
Other things lost and found and not particularly sought after: the Compaq AC brick to Moki’s 1998 laptop. He got tired of that after a couple years and got a big mother machine which he felt more comfortable with. Lent the laptop for a while to Cathy O’Brien. But then it was returned, and apparently plugged in again before being de-drived and discarded.
The Netgear stand for my WiFi router, which we got connected to Michael’s DSL line in 2002 or 2003. Michael ripped the connection out after a while, thinking that it was slowing down the internet, and Patrick Clark told him that it probably was.
At some of the lentil salad last night. Ate four of the infernal drugstore turkey-cheese sliders today. Not hungry.
Arguments on FB with Mr Menno about the Bergdorf Goodman negro transsexual.