Dead in the Water

No news today, no crises. I did not work. I really felt unmotivated, blocked. I watched the latest episode of the Truman Capote thing on Hulu. Jimmy Baldwin comes to give him solace, only the negro actor is too tall and un-ugly.

Mid-afternoon inspected my 500-series Mac Powerbooks. What a fascinating waste. All can power up, but there’s nothing there. So fascinated by them 25 years ago.

Ate a big bowl of the leftover split-pea soup in the afternoon. Instant oatmeal (McCann’s) in the morning. Lots of coffee after having been awake since…12:30 am? To Shirley’s for one 1/2 pt Smirnoffs. That little bit is enough.

Timmy posted a number of 1920s-30s pictures of the Daverns in Meadville and Buffalo, around the first of the year. Where and how did he get these?

I sent him a card and photo just after Christmas, no reply. I suppose that’s dead stock. Should shoot a message to Claire. One of these days I may be up in her area.

Messages via Teams from the nycruns Start people for the 5k and HM on early Sunday. I have to work from 3:30am to 1:30, I think.

What a time for my sciatica to start up again. But there it is. Need to run, need to do gym, next two days.

Ebay has charged me nearly $10 for items I’ve posted but I haven’t made a single sale. None of the Kennedys, the Milers, not even the Mayflys (though there’s still hope there yet).

Got the other Birchers book from the 53rd St lib yesterday. Mark Dallek. Much more incisive than the terrible Miller bio of Welch. Do a review of each, intersecting, over the next day or two.

Greg wanted a crowd-sourced answer to mysterious FPY references. Who said this? What’s it about? Very obscure and generic for the most part. I found something on Little Entente and maybe John Dewey and Nye Bevan.

I ordered a charging battery pack for the iPhone SE2 the other day and must say I am pleased. A charge on the phone and pack seems to last for nearly two days. This is what I need when out doing donkey work for nycruns over the next few months.

Have been reminding myself to phone A.T. and others but have not. I just cannot see my future straight.

Last night, early evening, Wotjek stopped me at the door and told me he videoed Moki’s gurney being pushed out through the lobby in November. It was cold out and water was dripping out of my eyes, so W said, “I show you later, I not want see you cry. Michael he not so old was he?” Well he was 83.

I still talk to Moki, call out to him. He is in the darkness, with wailing and gnashing of teeth. I will rescue him.