Cremation Day

“Oh won’t we have a jolly time
Drinking beer and ale and wine
On Creeemation Day
On jolly Cremation Day!”

Today was the day Moki’s corpse was to go out to the Rosehill Crematory in New Jersey.

Nothing jolly here, really. Still crying. My baby. We didn’t get the basketball book written. That would have needed 110% of my effort, which is 100% more than I could do.

Should I have gone over to West 43rd to take a last look at the corpse, to kiss it, maybe snip a lock of hair? Perhaps, but I will never be settled on this.

Looking through the bric-a-brac on top of the southern bookshelves, I find a small wooden box which might well serve as my own private mini-funerary urn.

I go up to St. Paul the Apostle in the biting cold to continue a novena…but it’s shut. Why? Some Advent ceremony? I’ll say a St. Jude prayer here at home. Bought fried chicken and squash from the steam table at the 9th Ave Morton Williams, then another pint of Svedka from 58th St.

Tears come again.

I wrote a nice, tactful, humorous letter to A.T. today, enclosed it in a big Christmas card (one of the big charitable ones from England years ago) with a copy of the photo of Moki and his mother in Falmouth c. 1983, and of course the Manhattan Online Cremation bill that I paid on Monday. A.T. wants to pay this. Mailed it at Columbus Circle station. I certainly hope I don’t have to chase her down on this. Alicia will step in, I suppose. I phoned Alicia, she was happy to hear from me,

Internet went off at 4 in the morning. Used Moki’s USAA debit card to rev it up again. It came up almost immediately. Later on I spent $83 on that to pay for my Omnis service for the near-useless

My $9/3 mo deal was not renewing, perhaps because Paypal wants actual cash in the account. Fuck that, stop using the Paypal card. I gave them the Citi Cash card.

Yesterday a security negress phoned from Wilmington about my new JetBlue credit card. It seems there was a big balance transfer when the card was issued. Well yes, that’s why the card was applied for. I’m trading off some of the Amazon Chase debt for 0% APR balance transfer on the JetBlue thing. The transfer has yet to show up on Amazon Chase.

Tried to call SSA, local and national, couldn’t get through the queue. Again tomorrow. I have a huge lump awaiting me someplace.

Much of the morning, writing the Sal Mineo chapter for ET, which went live today. I wrote some of the following chapter, pieced together from old 2003-2009 Teentime shit. Then I go to the Pleven story, a version of which I put into CC early this year.

I have music from The Godfather running through my head.

Tried to call Ashley. He was talking about setting up a meeting with Tony James. As ever. Asked me to send him the login information. He’s like Moki, doesn’t write this stuff down.

Had sharp stabbing pains in upper left thigh for most of the day. Gone now. Not unusual for me, but I’m hyperwary these days.