A Light at the End of the Tunnel

6:37 am. I used to feel bad when Moki was beside me and I’d awaken in the wee hours and couldn’t get back to sleep so played with my laptops and blogs and Twitter and such, and he’d complain when it was around this time. I so miss that now. He was still doing it 2-3 weeks ago before the Reaper closed in.

Some bright spots appeared Tuesday evening (it is now Wednesday morning). Phone call (Moki’s phone) from nephew Timothy, and then another from Alicia, A.T.’s adopted daughter with whom I had some unfortunate run-ins 25 years ago. Tim is very eager to help with funeral or memorial arrangements, and so is Alicia. I also learn that Moki might be able to be buried in the family plot at Mount Auburn. Moki seemed to believe that too, but we never followed up on that months ago because he was still alive. I loosely would suggest that we both be buried in my ancestral cemetery, or one of them, up in Saratoga Springs. Never really looked into that either.

Alicia’s going to contact a funeral director she knows and look into what arrangements might be made to ship the body or ashes up to the Cambridge area.