The ushers, Lisha or somesuch, and her son? With groom and bride John and Deborah in between. Montauk Club, Sept. 2012.
The good news recently is that I got three pieces out for C-C, the last being this past evening for the annual Brasillach. Two weeks ago I got the Dutton thing in about Bowden, and in between we had Flannery O’Connor. Not bad, if I say so myself. Also I am now enrolled in Medicaid (approved in early March) which means I am given Medicare Part B. And I signed up for Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) a few days ago, and that is now “free” for me because of my lack of income and the Medicaid. It’s pending, but I don’t doubt I’ll get it. It even has dental coverage, up to a point. This was an Aetna PPO plan. First thing I did was look to see of Christopher Busillo, but as internal medicine, not PCP. So I signed up for a PCP (GP) up the street, one Kimberley Scotto, MD. It was going to be either her or a Matt Cross who’s similarly highly rated but up by Columbia. And I was also granted Part D, which is the pharma end. I think that kicks in beginning of May. So for the first time in my life—no, the first time in 12 years or so—I am as fully covered as one can be. I’m like Moki. I can go to doctors up the wazoo. When I had health coverage at work, and then COBRA, I never used it to speak of, apart from the periodontal with that awful Delta. I used a lot of coverage during the 10 years at Citi, but it was mostly OVs and I have no firm recollection of any big medical bills. My Botox wasn’t covered, but some of the lymphoma was (a lot of good that did). My $950 tube of Targretin was covered, except for $50.
Okay, so two batches of good news. What else? No word yet from Bellevue WTC or Bern. SSA has not fixed my account, upped my benefit, or arranged my windfall. They did however send me a notice, around the time they sent me a batch of envelopes concerning the Medicaid and Medicare Part B enrollment (a week or so ago) that because of the Medicaid and Part B, they were changing my monthly check day from the second Wednesday of the month to the 3rd of the month. So I’ll be getting the next deposit on April 3. Night of April 2 is three nights from now, and that’s mighty nice.
I told Moki a couple of years ago that I did not have Part B, and he said why not? Because he had it. He’d always had it. Told me I should have it for free too. He never bothered to connect the dots. At some point, possibly because of the VA connection (a frequent visitor down there sine 2009) he got it because he was on Medicaid. I assumed he had Part B because of some VA connection, something that wouldn’t work for me. But it appears I did make an effort to apply for something like that too, without realizing it, because there’s this big white envelope from late 2021, where I’m told to fill out this form for city-supported health coverage. Well that’s the Medicaid deal. Had I requested this online? Did my name go into a hopper when I got a jab or two at Columbia Doctors on W 51st?
Have drunk vodka almost every night for the past week. Half-pint tonight, pint last night, half the night before. Before that nothing, and day before that, just a Resin. Also had a Resin last evening (Saturday) and topped it off with a pint of Platinum.
I was pissed off that I was scratched from the Spring Fling 10k Saturday thing (upcoming). I’m still down for Sunday. I ride in the blue van from Warehouse to Ferry to Island. Briefly there was an open spot appearing on Deputy for Saturday, the shirt booth. I’ve never done shirts. Thought about it for a few minutes, then when I looked to see if it was still available, it was gone. People want those spots.
I made slow-cooker chicken teriyaki a few days ago, but cooked it too long. Going to toss what’s left. Ate some today. Otherwise today I ate Triscuits. And a Healthy Choice beef & broccoli I got at Target yesterday. On special, 50% off second, so I got two. I noticed that Target charges 4.99 for a half-gallon of milk. Big surprise there. After getting a few other purchases (big box Triscuits, a couple of those Starkist tuna packets in foil) I stopped at Whole Foods for the milk. Incredibly long line for self-checkout. Went to normal checkout, one semi-long line there. They had the milk of course, $2.49, but not the other thing I wanted, the $4.99 Simply Whatever grapefruit juice that’s $7.99 at Klein’s. That’s very good grapefruit juice. So I got a Pummelo grapefruit instead, which is 2-3 times the size of a normal grapefruit. Is it edible or just for juice? Haven’t tried either. The sink is filled with dishes as it usually is. Must do dishes tomorrow. Send rent checks in somehow to Jeffries Morris. March 31. Make payment on Moki card and the Citi Cash card. Go to gym. I’m thinking of bailing on TMPL since I never go there. Maybe it makes more sense to join the West Side Y. What does the Y cost? $100 a month for seniors, I see. No dice. I could change my mind later, but the $13 and forced trip to Hells Kitchen WHEN I ACTUALLY GO make it better to stay at TMPL.
Ten days ago (Friday the 21st) I hied myself over to Sunnyside, and on a sun-in-my-eyes brisk day wandered around and used Google Maps on the toyphone until I found The Dog and Duck, now retitled The Skillman. A bit of a disappointment. Empty and clean but the barman was a noggess. Not an Irish grubpub feel. Many beers and a $20 pint + sandwich lunch offer which I guess they think is a great deal.
Because I (finally) coughed out that piece on Flannery O’Connor for GJ’s “symposium” and got it in a week ago, I found myself thinking for the first time about that guy down in Georgia who called himself Velociman. Friendly enough fellow whose real name was Kim Crawford. He’s now gone to ground online. He was famous for his blog where in 2008 he denounced Obama for being the hating, hateful, loathsome devil Obama is. Somehow Obama made him think of this Francis Marion Tarwater boy in The Violent Bear It Away. Though he was gone from the ‘net I found one or two Velociman tweets.
GJ asked me to write a piece way back in November. I found the book at the library and kept renewing it without reading much of it. Radical Ambivalence, all about Race Issues in F O’C. Dreadful. I said everything I wanted to in maybe 2500 words, and don’t feel I cheated anyone. GJ was much more in earnest than I guessed. He did several pieces of his own, and O’Meara had at least a couple.
Some semi-sad news comes in from Ireland. John Farrell died a week ago. The 23rd of March. I found out two days later, initially through Brian Patrick McGuinness. He died in a Galway hospice. He’d been on chemo a few weeks. Nobody goes onto chemo and dies in a few weeks. He must have had something galloping. Lung and throat and prostate cancer take ages to creep up on one. Pancreatic perhaps?

Wedding at the Montauk Club, September 2012.
There was something misjudged and dodgy about John. His fondness for teenage boys. The horrible theatrical productions he’d do, playing Walt Whitman. Not the young Walt Whitman. A bearded, rather untidy and mangy Whitman who was a crashing bore. His teeth, all of which seem to have been pulled, replaced only in front with some shiny white permanent implants or dentures. That strange marriage to Deborah, which fell apart in a year after doing the wedding up in slap-up style at the Montauk Club. Death of marriage followed by his adoptive father’s death at the end of 2013 (I think it was), followed a few years later by John’s complete disappearance to Galway. And in general, his vagabond ways. I think he did have a decent job for a while at RTE back in the 90s, was it? But what exactly was he doing when I first met him? He’d been a friend of Michael’s. Drinking, drugging and talking about perverse sex.

Carey Harrison and John Farrell, with bottom half of me in the rear. Not sure whose house. Brooklyn, I believe. Reception after Jack Farrell funeral.
Once, I think, I visited the Farrells’ place in south Park Slope. Not far from Bartel-Pritchard. A walkup, maybe two floors up? Tiny place. Two large rooms was what I could see. Boxes and belongings mainly crowded into one of them, with some kind of plastic curtain shutting that off. How could three people live in this tiny place? Possibly it was smaller than the one John grew up in.
I’ve said hello to Cliona on FB but she won’t recognize the MB handle. A few of us, old John friends, are asking about John in the hospice. Why there, and how there, and have ye a valediction, boyo?
Appears to be this tall Irish girl, Lutine? is that a name? In Brooklyn perhaps with john 10-15 years ago: